Risk is understood as exposure to a certain event of interest that can bring undesirable consequences, the possibility of danger, and/or loss of control. Therefore, risk analysis can be understood as a set of techniques for studying and determining the risk of exposure to a certain event of interest.

Risk analysis is present in various areas of knowledge, including survival analysis, industrial reliability, laboratory diagnostic tests, environmental impact studies, financial risk analysis of assets, financial studies of default and abandonment, fraud detection, insurance pricing studies, among others.

Through risk analysis, for example, we can discover the likelihood of a customer ceasing to use the services of a particular bank, purchasing a new product, filing an insurance claim, acquiring a bank loan, or defaulting. We can determine the chance of a new medication increasing the survival time of cancer patients, if a laboratory diagnostic test has sufficient diagnostic capacity to replace an invasive and painful test for the patient, the likelihood of a certain email being classified as spam, or an electronic device malfunctioning. It can also be used to determine the appropriate period for preventive equipment maintenance, the ideal warranty period for a specific manufactured product, or to verify its quality

The creation of CER-UFBA was partly driven by the need to establish a research laboratory in statistical analysis of risk data, linked to DEst-UFBA, and partly due to the increasing dependence of organizations (not only those in Bahia but also nationally and internationally) on the formalization and testing of their products, making the study and analysis of risk, through appropriate statistical procedures, an essential prerequisite.

CER-UFBA is the fourth laboratory of its kind in the country, with the other units located (in order of foundation) at the Federal University of São Carlos (CER-UFSCar) and the University of São Paulo (CER-USP), both in São Carlos-SP, and also at the University of São Paulo in Ribeirão Preto-SP (CER-Saúde). It collaborates synergistically with the other units (sharing projects) as well as independently, with its own projects developed and coordinated by researchers at CER-UFBA. It integrates research on risk that has been individually or co-authored by researchers now associated with CER-UFBA.

CER-UFBA is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Paulo Henrique Ferreira da Silva and Prof. Dra. Rosemeire Leovigildo Fiaccone, both from DEst-UFBA, and currently involves active participation from professors of DEst-UFBA, as well as professors and researchers from other departments and universities, and master's and undergraduate students.


Information about CER events.


Codes in R and Python referring to developed projects.


Projects and research lines of the CER.